Tuesday 3 April 2012

And so it begins.

Well hello, and welcome. I begin my blog today, on day two of owning my two new dumbo rats, Lily and Rue, of whom this blog will follow.
In the past I have owned two fancy rat bucks; Hero and Cesky, and a dumbo buck, Spell.
Today I am mother to a Dalmatian bitch named Kia, a female Syrian Hamster called Delilah (aka. Julie) and four female Degus; Fez, Hide, Kelso and Eric.

Rue, also known as Penny, is a white rat with red eyes and a vague cream/champagne stripe down her back. She is extremely badly sighted so spends some time swaying, basically a semi-blind rat's way of determinding depth by watching the speed things move (fast = close/slow = far). Apparently it's not uncommon in red-eyed rats. She's quite a subdued girly. Loves to explore but doesn't go out of her way to do so.

Lily is a black and white hooded rat. She's very curious, inquisitive and bold. She reminds me much of my old rat, Cesky with her 'grumpiness', almost. She's very cute but don't let it fool you! She seems to think she owns the place already :)

I got the two young ladies (about 2 months old, I'm going to name Feb 2nd; 2 months before the date I got them, as their birthday fyi) from the Pet Shop I work at. It's a franchise shop so they're extremely shy and unsocialised, but God, they're gorgeous. Here's a tasty photo for you all ;)

So that's Rue on the litter box and Lily below.
Currently I'm training them to enjoy treats (they won't eat from hand) and pick them up. So far I've managed to scoop each one up once or twice, very slowly and carefully. So -touch wood- we're getting somewhere in the handling! XD aha. I've got the day off tomorrow, so will see how far I get :)

Over and Out,
Kami x

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